Continuing to look at Yancey’s principles for such a church:
Intentionality: Here I would commend David Anderson and his church (Bridgeway Community Church, Baltimore, US) on the example they have set. They have shown us that you need to look at who is on your platform on a Sunday (black and white), who is doing what – worship band, stewarding etc – through all the roles of church life, focused inclusivity is important. You may find that there are a lot of white people doing things and everything in the system is forcing it to stay as it is. Take the time (even in a busy schedule) to look at this area and make changes – it will pay dividends!
First steps to take:
Intentionally build cross-cultural friendships and invest in them. For me, it has been with Owen, one of our elders - a good friend. Few will be aware that Deb and I spent three years getting to know him and Pauline prior to him joining our full-time staff, building friendship and giving him responsibility. Build with a man of peace – you have to invest and there is no shortcut.
To learn more about building a multicultural church in the UK… Understanding Worldviews and Cultural Strongholds Conference… at King’s Church… Sat 14th March… Speaker – Dave Devenish…Further details at
The God of Wonders
3 months ago