Once somebody has stepped
towards us by giving in a ‘Like to Know More’ form, we will put real effort
into trying to help them connect to church life. The next day - on the Monday - their details
will go onto our database. It’s where we record our ‘crowd’, our new people list,
and at this point they will be sent a standard letter that thanks them for
coming to King’s. On the Tuesday evening our integration team meets at the
church office – usually four church members and the team leader. We phone every
new person who gave in a form - they will get a phone call asking them, ‘How
can we help you further to connect with the church? What would you like to do? Would you like to get involved in Alpha? How about a mid-week group?’ The integration team will have information
about all such groups and all the particular ministries.
Our integration team members
are selected because they are friendly and can deal with people easily. They will
have up-to-date, relevant information ready to pass on to the new person each
week. This process has been going on for
some years now and before we started doing it this way we would see perhaps 25%
of our new people connecting here and continuing to attend. After we started doing it, that rate
increased to 50% at times and has generally stayed at around 40% of the new
people who fill out the form and step towards us in that way. Many others choose
to stay in the crowd.