Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Growing a Church: It's all about those who are not in the room!

To conclude and summarise this series:

In the end the philosophy is this: encourage your church to be invitational.  Invite people to a moment.  Get them in the building.  Trust God - there has to be a God moment.  We do the best we can and we trust that those who come along, who are invited by their Christian friends, neighbours and family, will encounter God.  At King’s it is our aim to provide the next step for them to take on the journey and then follow up each person through our integration team. 

Each time we have a gospel appeal I know we will see people respond.  We will have a follow-up team in place and I also know that by the end of Tuesday evening those individuals will all have had a phone call.  As a result, I feel we have been pastorally responsible and for those people there will be a number of next steps they can take – including joining our next Alpha course.  We integrate our whole church programme with such outreach moments.

It’s all about those who are not yet in the room! All our prayer and planning should ensure that when they come – having been invited by our people – they find a place where they hear the message of God’s love and mercy. Good News!