For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
For Men Only by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn
In the following few blogs, Deb and I have summarised the main points of the two books, which I hope will encourage you to read and discuss them and grow in your marriage together. Deb will be looking at ‘For Women Only’ and I will be looking at ‘For Men Only’.
For Women Only covers seven revelations or ‘translations’ from our surface level understanding of men to what that really means in practice. Shaunti stresses that she is not looking so much at ‘outward behaviour as much as the inner thoughts and emotions that led to their behaviour.’ She is careful to make the point that she is making generalisations and that when she talks about how ‘most’ men think - she means ‘most’ and not ‘all’!
For Men Only covers six major findings (I draw no conclusion from the fact that there is one less in this direction!) to help men understand their wives.
What these books give is an insight into the inner workings of the minds of men and women - by understanding one another better, by appreciating our basic differences - then we will find it easier to love and support each other more effectively. I would recommend ‘For Men Only’ and ‘For Women Only’ as essential reading for every married couple in your church - including you!
The God of Wonders
3 months ago