Creation and Evolution contd...
The motto of those who argue for six 24 hour days of creation is ‘It's Just As It Says in the Book’. Those who offer alternative explanations reply, ‘But God has written in two books, not just one’. Beside the Bible, God has written the book of nature (Romans 1: 20.) God’s two books need to be read and interpreted in the light of each other. Ultimately there can be no conflict between the truth of science and the truth of the Bible, for God is the truth behind them both. Without this insight the church would still be trying to censor those who teach that the earth is not the centre of the universe because the Bible ‘teaches’ the sun rises and sets and so circles the earth - not vice versa. So, one of the reasons that some Christians do not hold to creation in six 24 hour days is a different understanding of the relationship between science and the Bible.
The original polemical context of the Bible’s account of creation was not aimed at demolishing anything like modern evolutionary science but rather the polytheistic myths of the surrounding nations with all their distorting views of both God and man. And the positive function of the creation account is similar to a parent who tells their 3 year old that their new baby brother came from the love mummy has for their daddy. Such an explanation won’t get a good mark in A Level biology but in context it is true and can be understood by anyone, anywhere, at any time.
The God of Wonders
3 months ago