I’ve been doing some reading around the multi-site issue recently and in particular A Multi-Site Church Road Trip by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon and Warren Bird, where I came across the following…
'In his 2008 address at Catalyst in Atlanta, Georgia, Jim Collins of Good to Great fame highlighted some key issues that impact replication of DNA - the genes that shape every cell of an organism. He noted that great organizations (and in our case great churches) have a culture of discipline demonstrated by a history of making choices that lead to that greatness. ‘Most overnight successes are really about twenty years in the making’, he said.’ It took seven years for Sam Walton to open his second store. It took Starbucks thirteen years before they have five stores.’ Once greatness is achieved, the DNA is set and replication can effectively begin. The same is true, we believe, for multi-site churches. In these churches, we find that the core DNA of the congregation has been developed over time. Time-tested core vision, mission, and values must be present in each venue or campus. In fact, a clear and widely shared DNA becomes the engine for expansion – but it must be reproducible.'
(p.48. Zondervan – Leadership Network – innovation series, 2009)
The God of Wonders
3 months ago